Brainwave Connection
Brainwave Connection
1823 East 4th Street,
Dayton, OH
Phone: (937) 781-9750

At BrainWave Emarketing, our goal is straightforward: to help you effectively and efficiently communicate your marketing message to your customers in order to build your business advantage and profits.

To achieve this goal we provide full-service marketing and advertising agency services and offer a suite of proprietary technology based on the WaveMaker solutions that exploit the "new age" of marketing. The results are creative communications, driven by information, that reach and speak to customers on a personal level.
Information and technology begin the wave...

In the new-age of marketing, information is what enables you to develop and implement effective advertising and e-marketing strategies that create a brainwave connection with your customers. BrainWave is able to capture and utilize information at every stage of the communications process, beginning with your established databases or starting from the ground-up.

BrainWave can connect and consolidate information from a variety of different sources to create a single integrated resource that you can use to analyze past results and identify next steps. BrainWave information collecting capabilities include the following:

* BrainWave Permission Databases - to deliver compelling offers to prospects and customers.
* WaveMaker Results Reporting websites - to collect data and provide a constant stream of interested prospects.
* Permission marketing databases linked to sales contacts - to connect to customers via email and direct mail.
* Internal information silos - to bring valuable information to the marketing decision process that was previously inaccessible.

…And creative completes the connection

BrainWave's unique ability and experience using this information separate us - and your marketing program - from the crowd. Moving from a single audience of thousands to an audience of thousands of singles is a revolutionary idea made possible by BrainWave. Managing this idea with compelling messages and professionalism is the catalyst that takes this from theory to an effective execution that generates attention at every turn and across time.

The right message at the right time

With the current marketing focus on accountability and results, few can afford to adopt the "spray and pray" model of old-style marketing. But even if they could afford it, they wouldn't choose it. Rather than wasting resources to flood the market indiscriminately, Brainwave enables you to use the power of information to carefully choose the correct time and custom message that sends a powerful wave to the right customer at the perfect moment.

Make frequency an advantage

Customer mind-share is a critical factor in decision-making that requires marketing frequency. The cost, however, has traditionally left the marketer in a quandry: do they lower the number of contacts to a level where they can maintain the personalization they desire or do they send a more generic message to the larger audience. BrainWave WaveMaker is the affordable way to stay connected with customers and prospects, delivering the personalized message to the larger audience? With WaveMaker, the long-term cost per contact is so low that media CPM expense will no longer be an obstacle to building relationships with your customers and prospects, with the ultimate result of increasing sales.

Evaluate your programs and build greater ROI

Information is the foundation behind every BrainWave product and service. As such, accountability and achieving goals is built in to the system. This information creates a complete picture of what you've done and what delivered the greatest return. Armed with this information you can move forward and set accurate goals for future programs with complete confidence of success and justification of expenditures.

At BrainWave Emarketing, we are dedicated to making your return on investment as high as possible.

©Copyright 2004-2009 • BrainWave Connection Inc.
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