Cogneato Incorporated

Cogneato Incorporated

56B North Rose Boulevard
Akron, OH 44302
Phone: 330-923-3550

Cultivating customer relationships online

Gone is the day when you can expect a customer to start at your home page and then work through the entire site page by page. In fact, in the age of Google, many visitors will never even see your home page. So how do you engage the new, always connected, incredibly impatient, web-savvy customer?

Rather than trying to cage your visitors, Cogneato Control Center gives you the power to identify and embrace their of-the-moment desires. It provides tools that allow you to connect with customers at the points where you already have their attention. You can then turn that attention into a sale, use it to engage their friends through social networking and viral marketing, or to create other actions that can be tracked and built upon.

As visitors interact with your website and other online marketing materials, the Control Center records their actions and compiles them for easy research. Even the smallest action can tell you something about a customer. A missed sale on their first visit is no longer a total loss, but is instead an opportunity to engage them in new ways based upon your expanded understanding of their needs and desires. The result is more targeted communication that respects your customers’ time, speaks directly to their interests and saves you money.
Search engine optimization & online advertising

Every site that we design is built with search engines in mind. Many of our clients do quite well without any additional optimization beyond the careful attention that we pay to the site's basic structure. For those with more elaborate search engine optimization needs, we offer a number of packages that offer competition analysis, continued keyword tuning, incoming link acquisition, monthly reports, and more. We also offer Google AdWords management, as well as other online advertising packages.
Email Marketing

Cogneato Control Center provides a full-featured bulk email system, allowing newsletters and promotional emails to be sent to any or all of your customers. The templates for the emails are designed to match your website and other marketing materials. Once the email is sent, a full report is keep on every interaction that each individual recipient has with that email. This data can then be used to produce follow-up promotions for customers that show interest in specific content.
Social Network & Viral Marketing

The marketing potential of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, simply cannot be ignored for the online presence of most businesses. The Cogneato Control Center software provides direct access to social networks without ever needing to log into them. As you post a new calendar event, for example, you can schedule all of your tweets and Facebook posts on the same page that you are performing the webpage editing. The posts are then automatically launched to the sites on schedule without any further effort.

Every item on your website can be set to allow visitors to "share this with friends" via email, Facebook, or other means. Whenever someone uses these tools, everything is tracked, including their email address, their friend's email address, and the message that they sent. Administrators can then use this information to produce targeted user lists based upon these expressed interests.
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