The Web Coach
The Web Coach
2152 Walker Lake Road,
Mansfield, OH
Phone: (419) 775-7424

We specialize in Hybrid Website Technology

What exactly is a “Hybrid” website? We take the best features of a website, Blog and Social Media and combine them to make a hybrid website. A lighter, less expensive, and easy to maintain website.
What do we use to create this Hybrid Website?

We use Wordpress. The coolest and most flexible Content Management System (CMS) around. Originally built just for blogging, WordPress can power just about any type of site, and it’s rich in Web 2.0 and multi-media capabilities. Wordpress is a free, state of the art, online platform that is supported by a huge community of developers and enthusiasts all over the world. This means you have the best support by savvy users.

Here is a showcase of websites built on Wordpress.
What comes with a Hybrid site?

* Easy to edit yourself
* place your own copy/text
* 5 stock images from
* as many pages as you like
* Plug-ins for social media sharing
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